Simply Good Cookbook
A cookbook for stroke survivors and their families

After a stroke, you may be uneasy about cooking on your own. Meal preparation can be made easier with planning, special utensils, and helpful tips.
As a trusted resource in your post-stroke journey, we’ve created a recipe booklet specifically with adult stroke survivors in mind. The recipes are designed for regular food texture; however, each recipe includes modifications in case your swallowing abilities have been affected due to your stroke. Look for the color-coded information that best corresponds to your eating level for guidance on how to adjust the recipe.
Our cookbook is full of helpful information:
- How to eat well after a stroke
- Tips for meal preparation for stroke survivors
- Ideas for simple snack and side dishes
- Healthy and tasty recipes
Eating well can help reduce your risk of having another stroke. As you make daily food choices, base your eating pattern on the recommendations from the AHA.
Breakfast Entrées
Seafood Entrées
Poultry Entrées
Meat Entrées
Vegetarian Entrées
Download the printable cookbook in English or Español
Simply Good: Cooking Videos
Skillet Chicken with Barbeque Sauce | You don’t need a grill to make comfort food with lots of barbeque flavor. This chicken is bathed in slightly sweet, homemade sauce. Savor the summertime tang any time of year.
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal | When you’re looking for a satisfying, quick breakfast, this pumpkin pie oatmeal is easy breezy. Cooking the oats in almond milk gives each bite creaminess. The pumpkin and spices pack this dish with the flavors of autumn.
Mushroom Meatloaf with Brown Gravy | With this take on a classic comfort food, you can enjoy a super-moist meat loaf that’s smooth in texture, flavorful, and heart healthy. The secret? Finely ground mushrooms are combined with the beef rather than being added to the gravy.
Aven con sabor a pastel de calabaza | Cuando desee un desayuno rico y rápido, este avena con sabor a pastel de calabaza es muy fácil de hacer. Cocinar la avena en leche de almendras le brinda cremosidad a cada bocado. La calabaza y las especias le otorgan a este plato los sabores del otoño.
Pastel de carne con hongos y salsa de carne| Con esta versión de un plato clásico y práctico, puede disfrutar de un pan de carne superhúmedo que es suave en textura, sabroso y saludable para el corazón. ¿El secreto? Los hongos picados fino se combinan con la carne, en lugar de agregarse al jugo.
Pollo preparado en sarten con salsa barbacoa | No necesita una parrilla para hacer platos clásicos con mucho sabor a barbacoa. Este pollo está bañado en una salsa casera ligeramente dulce. Disfrute del sabor del verano en cualquier momento del año.