Brain Health

A young female doctor is using a brain model in an explanation to an older male patient.

Optimal brain health is when you have no cognitive loss/dementia, stroke and other brain diseases. It’s also the ability to meet the demands of everyday life. Many modifiable risk factors for cognitive loss, such as behaviors and conditions, develop as early as childhood and adolescence.

As you age, a healthy body is key to a healthy brain and sharp mind. Staying healthy and active may help reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease, memory loss and difficulty with thinking and learning. If you have a stroke, its impact isn’t limited to the immediate aftermath. It can have lasting effects on our cognitive abilities, increase the risk of dementia and affect overall brain health. Cognitive issues affect more than 70% of stroke survivors.
3 out of 5

people in the U.S. will develop a brain disease in their lifetime.

About 80%

of brain disease can be linked to cardiovascular disease.

Every 40 seconds

someone in the U.S. has a stroke.

What Can You Do?


Know your numbers and undergo regular medical screenings every one to five years in early adulthood for blood sugar, glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking status and weight.


Make healthy eating and physical activity part of your life.


Get screened for depression.


If you experience hearing loss, get tested.


If brain health is important to you, bring it up with your health care professional and keep the conversation going at each visit.

Your lifestyle choices affect brain health.

Get enough sleep.
Move more, sit less.
Get regular checkups.
Eat healthy.
Don’t smoke or vape.