In which category should I submit my nomination?
Please review the Stroke Hero Awards category descriptions at stroke.org/HeroAwards and decide whether your nominee belongs in the Survivor Hero, Pediatric Hero, Caregiver Hero, Equity Hero, F.A.S.T. Hero or Group Heroes category. If you know several individuals or groups that you’d like to nominate for a specific category, nominate them all – there are no limits on how many nominations you can submit per category this year.
How do I nominate someone for an award?
Go to stroke.org/HeroAwards, click on the link to the nomination form, fill it out and submit your nomination.
Can I nominate myself or a group I am part of?
Absolutely! We encourage you to do so since no one knows your story or what your group does as well as you do. If nominating yourself in the Survivor Hero, Caregiver Hero or Equity Hero categories, just enter your name as the person submitting the nomination and as the nominee.
Are there any restrictions on nominations?
The three limitations for participation in the Stroke Hero Awards are:
- Those submitting nominations must be at least 18 years old.
- Nominees and nominators must be legal residents of the United States, including District of Columbia and territories.
- To be eligible to win, a nominee cannot have won a Stroke Hero Award or been recognized as part of a Real Women Class for the American Heart Association in the past 5 years.
Full rules are available here.
Can I see the questions you will ask before I decide whether to complete a nomination?
Yes. Just go to stroke.org/HeroAwards and scroll down to the categories section, where you can preview each category’s nomination questions.
May I nominate someone in more than one category?
Absolutely. Individuals eligible for individual awards could also be part of a group you’d like to nominate, or it could be the other way around.
Why can’t I nominate someone in the Voters’ Choice category?
The judges identify the contenders for the Voters’ Choice award because we receive so many nominations from the other five categories. By having a narrowed set of contenders, the public can more easily review information and vote on the Voters’ Choice.
How many nominations may I submit?
As many as you’d like. There are no limits on the number of nominations an individual can submit, so nominate all the stroke heroes in your life.
Will you inform nominees that they’ve been nominated?
We will do our best to let all nominees know that someone nominated them for a Stroke Hero Award.
May I include any supplemental materials in my nomination?
You may include links to publicly viewable material on the web, but we will not be accepting any uploaded supplemental materials as part of the nomination.
How will the winners be determined?
A panel of judges will review each eligible nomination and score it based on several criteria. For more information about judging criteria and entry guidelines, visit stroke.org/HeroAwards.
Where do I get answers to questions that aren’t addressed here?
Contact us at StrokeHeroes@heart.org.